Friday, May 30, 2008

Pool Adventures and iThirst

On Wednesday, we went to our friends' house to go swim for the first time this year. This is usually a bit nerve-wracking, since Ben is a daredevil and wants to jump in without any floaties and Drew is scared of water that is over his head. Wednesday, however, Drew for the first time EVER jumped off the diving board and did not require an adult holding his hand the entire time. I have never been prouder of him. He took a huge step in conquering his fears and just going for it. He was so much fun to watch. Ben continued in his daredevil ways. :) They cannonballed and splashed and had a blast. Everyone for the first time was able to enjoy the evening at the pool. One giant leap for our family!

Tonight, Steve and I got to go to iThirst, which was a rally of sorts, with Christian music and a salvation presentation. In addition to the great music, the movie clips and drama were very thought-provoking. Makes you stop and think about how you are living and how many people are searching for something to fill the void in their lives. Even knowing Jesus, I struggle with things constantly. I cannot begin to imagine how someone with no hope can cope with the obstacles in life. Also, the iThirst team is taking a trip to Honduras to share the message and music. That would be such a thrill - music, Spanish, and sharing the message of Jesus. Could not get much better! :)

Well, that's today's two cents. Looking forward to a relaxing, great weekend with the family. :)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

So for the inaugural post, just wanted to share a little about today. The boys and I went to the park and fed the emus. Got some great pictures of them. It's amazing how fast they grow up. They are so much fun to be around, although they can wear me out in no time. We played Letter Bingo and snuggled some too. Those are some of the sweetest times.

This evening I had softball practice, which was tiring, but productive. It's amazing how cathartic it can be to smack the snot out of the ball.... :) Looks like I will be playing first base. Makes me a little nervous, but excited at the same time. We'll see how it goes as the season progresses.

Looking forward to doing the blog thing. Hopefully it will be a great way to stay in touch with friends and family.

Anyway, that was about it. Nothing too momentous, just another full day.